How to Write a Blog Post in 4 Easy Steps

How to Write a Blog Post in 4 Easy Steps

Feb 9, 2022 – José Vázquez

When you manage a website it is important to communicate with your users. One excellent way of doing so is by having your own blog. Blogs are the go-to platform for business owners to give value content to their customers on topics involving interests in common. In addition, having a blog will help you rank higher in search engines. However, blog posting tends to be a tedious and time consuming task. For that reason we will instruct you on how to write a blog post in 4 easy steps.

1. Brainstorming Ideas

To begin with, you will need to brainstorm. This process usually involves thinking about your readers (target audience) and what they would be interested in. Of course depending on how broad your audience is, you would need to narrow it down to a topic that is both related to your business and targets the audience’s interests. Additionally, you should consider writing about a topic you are already familiar with, as this will help you write more freely and creatively.
Usually, when you know your target audience very well, you can come up with an excellent topic for your blog post. However, having SEO knowledge is critical to writing a good and high-ranking blog post. Moreover, it is important to know which keyword(s) is(are) best for your blog post.
A keyword is a word or phrase that users tend to look for on search engines (like Google Chrome or Mozilla firefox). For example, users tend to search things like “restaurants near me”, or “how to write a blog post,” or “why is the sky blue”. As you may already know, some keywords are trending more than others, and knowing this information, among other variables, will help you know which keywords will rank higher and will help you write high-ranking blog posts. Once you find a relatively high-ranking keyword you can base your blog post on said keyword.
At the end of the brainstorming process, you should know who your target audience is and what topic you will be writing about (since you now have a keyword or a list of keywords to write about). This should prepare you for the next step which consists of writing and structuring your content.

2. Write the Content

Second, once you have acquired a topic and a keyword, you are ready for the next step, which is getting down to writing. To explain this process you may find it easier to digest if it was summarized into 3 sub-steps:

1. Materialize Ideas

When you have a topic to write about, you should start writing whatever may come to your mind (related to the topic, of course). It does not have to make sense or look in a particular way at this time; just focus on writing. This process of bringing your raw ideas on paper/computer will help you understand and organize your ideas better. 
“An idea can only become a reality once it is broken down into organized, actionable elements.”
Scott Belsky, Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality
Of course, this is not your final work, rather you should generate various drafts before considering revising or publishing.

2. Give Structure to Your Writing

After you have organized your ideas, then you may start structuring your content. Generally, when writing a blog post, you must consider a structure that is readable and attractive to the reader’s eyes. There are many SEO techniques you can apply to shape the structure of your blog post:
  • Use headings to divide your content.
  • Write short paragraphs (aim for 4-5 sentences each).
  • Avoid typographical and/or grammatical errors.
  • Use images/videos or interactive media to attract readers.
  • Don’t be too extensive with your content (aim for 900-1500 words in total).
  • Use transition words between sentences and sections
  • Other suggestions.
If you want even more suggestions and/or support on techniques to improve your blog post (or your website in general) you may follow this link.

3. Write Your Content

Finally, once you have given structure to your blog post, you will have final work ready for revision. This step is fairly straightforward, as it only requires you to have satisfying written content. Nonetheless, it is a very important step since it will prepare you for the next part on how to write a blog post, and that is to revise your work.

3. Revise Work

Thirdly, revise your written work. This process may be done by yourself, but it is extremely recommended that you receive feedback from another peer. Feedback will help you discover those mistakes or ideas that you have missed.
Furthermore, you should take into consideration the fact that this process of revision may possibly be the longest step. It is not a one draft revision, rather you should revise constantly until you reach a satisfying version of your blog post. However, you should never expect perfection; no blog post is ever perfect, but you can aim for excellence.
“No one is perfect… that’s why pencils have erasers.”
Wolfgang Riebe, 100 Quotes to Make You Think
Finally, once you have completed the revision process, you are now ready for the last step!

4. Publish Blog Post

Congratulations! You have finally completed your blog post writing process! The only thing that’s left to do now is to publish your work. During this step, depending on which platform you’re using to publish your blog post, you should have set up the publishing date, the written content, images/media and tie up any other loose ends.
At this point, hopefully you have close to 0 grammatical errors or mistakes, but do not be afraid to edit your blog post-publishing. Even if you may not have any mistakes, you should consider that there is always room for improvement, and you should always aim for a better version for your blog post.
Now that you have published your blog post, you may start sharing your content. You can share your blog posts on social media like LinkedIn, Facebook, or even Instagram (if done ingenuously). But sometimes people miss the simplest form of media sharing, which is to do so with your friends, coworkers and/or family; sometimes we underestimate the importance of our immediate circle of acquaintances.
In addition, one thing that most people don’t know or overlook is the fact that you can make a living out of writing blogs. Writing blogs requires its own set of skills and knowledge that you may take courses of. Moreover, even Domestika offers their own courses on blog writing.
You may also be surprised by the fact that, according to glassdoor, the average yearly pay for a blog writer in the United States is $40,937, but as you progress in experience you may potentially earn up to $80,000’s. As you can see, blog writing is a very valuable skill you may want to acquire in order to start a business or career.
Did you find this blog helpful? Is there anything you would do differently? Do you have your own  take on how to write a blog post? Please share your thoughts with a comment, we read you!
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5 Tips to Successfully Influence Your Behavior in the New Year

5 Tips to Successfully Influence Your Behavior in the New Year

January 25, 2022 – Yalanis Vélez 

Setting New Year’s resolutions is probably one of the healthiest traditions we have. It sets our mood up for improvement and gives us the chance to start better and smarter in the new year. When a year ends, we have the opportunity to look back from its beginnings, review all we have learned and create a whole new plan for the year to come. This can be a very exciting and inspiring journey if we go for it. However, if you have set New Year resolutions before, you know it’s much easier to talk about them than to do them. In 2020, YouGovAmerica found that around 35% of Americans who set New Year’s goals felt they accomplished them.
Nevertheless, a recent survey asked whether people are even setting new goals for the year at all, and found that only 29% of Americans will set goals for 2022. Although the odds of meeting our new year goals might not be the best, if we look at why people often fail, we notice that there are common mistakes we can plan to avoid and increase our chances of success. Among them, psychologists have discussed the importance of setting the right goals and making sure you are ready to start.
At the beginning of the year, surveys have found that most people aim for self-improvement and healthier lifestyle goals. Some people start the year strong, but their efforts eventually fade away after a couple of months, while others can share great success stories about their one-year journey. Regardless of how successful you’ve been with your past New Year’s resolutions, this year we challenge you to truly give yourself a fair trial. Give yourself the chance to grow, explore your potential, and experiment with different activities, environments, and strategies.
In this post we have gathered 5 of our favorite tips for successful behavior change journeys:

1. Create Your Behavioral Strategies.

Although it might seem weird to think about strategies to live your daily life, here in PG, we can’t work without them. Strategies can be used in many areas to help us engage in purposeful actions that lead to a goal. Since most human activity happens outside our awareness and conscious control, implementing your behavioral strategies will help you influence which activities you engage in and how you engage them.
Read more about influencing your behavior on our Human Behavior blog post.
This year, we encourage you to design strategies that will allow you to avoid unhelpful behaviors and strategies to engage in what you need to do. Remember to make it your own and focus on making it effective for your particular lifestyle and environment. You will probably have to try different ideas before finding one that works for you, but remember that perseverance is key. It’s okay if a strategy feels awkward, get creative and look for ways to make them fun.
Furthermore, I found that reading out loud helped me understand the content and avoid reading sentences over and over again. So when I have a reading task, I know I have to work somewhere alone, otherwise, the task will be much harder for me or my reading out loud could distract others from their tasks. You can discover more strategies on our LinkedIn page.

2. Take Brief Moments to Think & Write.

Taking 10-15 minutes to reflect or think about something can help us generate new ideas, identify and consider important details to make more informed decisions. While writing is a way of materializing and developing our ideas so we can have them close by in case we forget or want to add more thoughts. Before you plan or set goals for this new year, think about your last year’s highlights, worst struggles, and write down what you learned from them.
Remember, you are thinking about a whole year’s worth of lessons and experiences, so we recommend summarizing with bullet points and keywords that indicate you acted upon them! Think about what worked for you last year and what didn’t. Moreover, make sure you consider what you did, not just what you intended or wanted. You can also try this when setting behavior strategies to meet your goals.

3. Keep Track

Keeping track of our one-year journey helps us make the project official, keeps us engaged, and measures progress. Additionally, activity tracking is incredibly useful when learning about yourself. It is similar to how businesses utilize user data analytics to know their customer. We can benefit from tracking our data to understand our daily decisions and satisfactions.
Tracking your journey can include information such as: 
   -Plans to meet your goals
   -Strategies you will use to support those plans
   -And any other detail you consider important.
Leave some space to add any facts you learn about yourself. Additionally, you can use a calendar and establish checkpoint dates to check your progress and update your tracking log. Being aware of how certain factors make you feel, what motivates and discourages you, what leaves you more satisfied, what is more effective, are just a few of the details that can help you make the best out of your efforts.
Pro tip: We encourage that you keep your log somewhere accessible. This could be a habit tracking app, your notes on your phone, or a notebook that you can keep in your bag.

4. Set Reminders or Make Sticky Notes

With so much going on all the time, alarms and reminders are great to help us get everything done. Particularly, when we introduce a new activity to our routine, no matter how committed we feel, it is very easy to just forget it the first couple of times. Depending on the goal, we can use alarms and/or sticky notes to guide us into doing what we have to do. Be strategic. Set up as many alarms and sticky notes as you need. As an example, I have found alarms work best for me when I am on the move and sticky notes are great for the car or at home.

5. Be Flexible, Take it Easy, And Have Fun with it.

Planning involves an attempt to predict the future, but making inaccurate predictions is inevitable, so don’t stress when things don’t go as expected. Plans should be evaluated and updated throughout the journey because they are always subject to change. Since emergencies will often happen, being flexible and including room for interruptions in your plans is important to avoid feeling like your efforts are worthless.
The whole point of this journey is to increase satisfaction with yourself or something close to you, so if you think the process is making you anxious or stressed, no matter how bad, just stop, take a moment to go back to basics, and keep going. In fact, readjusting is better than giving up and can give you the feeling of a fresh start.
When you have detailed your attainable goal, we also recommend the following science-based strategies from behavioral scientist and author Katy Milkman:
   -Friends can help you commit by joining you on the journey or by helping you stay on track and holding you accountable. So share your plans with your friends, and they will also help you make it fun.
   -Planning details about when and where you will follow through. Katy Milkman suggests you should make a cue-based plan to tell you when to act.
   -Making yourself pay for not completing a task. Penalties are more powerful than rewards, so a system where you have to give money or time if you don’t follow through helps you do so.
   -Make sure you enjoy the process. If you focus more on enjoying the process than being efficient you are more likely to continue longer.
Using these tips can help you learn more about yourself and your potential. Planning or tracking our lives may not be something we are used to, but they are great activities to achieve a lifestyle change. Don’t worry whether it will be easy or hard, but rather focus on how you will give yourself a fair trial.
Did you enjoy this Blog? Tell us which resolutions you want to accomplish this new year.
Keep the fun going by reading our blogs on How to Go From Failure to Success and Adaptive Thinking to help you gain a new perspective when you need it.

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10 Business Ideas You Can Start From Home Today

10 Business Ideas You Can Start From Home Today

December 15, 2021 – Ariadna Quiles

Want to start a business and don’t know where to begin? There is plenty of room for all kinds of entrepreneurs in all knowledge areas! Read about ten ideas to start your own business and kick-off a life where you work for yourself today!

Start a Business From Your Computer

Nowadays, starting a business or a side-hustle can be as easy as 1, 2, 3! It is so easy that we have the possibility to wake up one day, open our computer, and start. It does not need time to commute, nor an office space; just your passion! You would be surprised as there are plenty of business ideas that you can execute at home.
Like everything in life, though, there are things we must consider before making a decision.

Pros of Owning a Small Business

  • You can sell your services to the world; depending on your company.
  • You can input your own hours and efforts; you are your own boss.
  • You can create social impact doing something you are passionate about.
  • You will move the local economy.
However, we would be lying if we said that everything was rainbows and lights…

Pros of Owning a Small Business

  • You are the sole spirit of your business (manage, pack, ship, store, produce, maintain relationships, and more by yourself most of the time).
  • Depending on your market, it can be highly competitive.
  • Income is not fixed… There are good days and bad days.
  • You will need to have permits and licenses to make your products and business legal.
Fear not! It is not always bad. Some ideas are much riskier than others, which can make the process of beginning a business much harder; however, in this blog we are offering you limited-to-no risk business ideas you can start today.
In other words, this is a low-to-no investment list created just for you: the aspiring entrepreneur.

1. Retailing Through Amazon

Buying items “in-bulk” is much cheaper than buying them through wholesale. You can start a business of selling products on high-demand and make reasonable profit now!
If you count on at least some cash to start your business, this could be a viable option for you. You can start researching products on ecommerce marketplaces like Alibaba & Handshake. Once you have chosen your products and quantities, you can become an Amazon Business Partner, where you do not have to take care of inventory handling, packing, or shipping any of your products; Amazon has you covered.
Don’t believe it? Watch these success stories of entrepreneurs selling their products through Amazon!

2. Consulting

Everyone needs advice or help one way or another. Feedback and actionable strategies are needed for business owners all over the world. Whether it be in arts, sciences, engineering, or social sciences; you can be sure that someone out there will need your knowledge so their business can prosper. Also, it can be done online (which means very little overhead costs)!
If you count with a degree or more than 5 years of experience in any given field of  engineering, business management, art, or social sciences, private consulting could be a good way to start a business with just you, your computer, and your brain.

3. Web Development

In today’s world, if your company does not have a website, you are missing out! Entrepreneurs are actively looking for people to help them with their business sites and you could be one to give them that service! If you have prior experience building websites or have the time to learn WordPress, GoDaddy, or some basic coding, web development is a well-paying business idea you can try.

4. Bookkeping Services

Everyone needs to keep their numbers up to date and not everyone likes to do it. Bookkeeping can have a great return on investment of time if done well and recommended. Additionally, unlike popular thought, you do not need to have an accounting degree to start a bookkeeping business. You can start a career as a bookkeeper with some courses (the Small Business Administration has a short course which you can complement with AccountingCoach courses!).

5. Freelance Work

A lot of businesses need help supporting their marketing, blogs, emails, scripts, copywriting, and overall content. Not every small business owner has the creative vein, the time, or the talent that you perhaps hold. If you have good writing, creative thinking skills or particular knowledge in a given subject (enough to support someone that does not know anything about it), you can see a possibility in freelance work. If you pair that up with some preparation or prior experience, you can call it a day!
If you would like to see into the opportunity to freelance, Localwise has a great list of freelance activities you can do from home.

6. Property Management

If you live in a metropolitan area, chances are your city has plenty of properties that are owned by people that do not live in that area. You can get some income in overlooking, controlling, and taking care of physical properties that are unused by their owners. If tenants need support, they can reach out to property managers to sync them up with solutions.
Disclaimer: This should not be mistaken with a Real-Estate Agent. Read this article by LinkedIn to see the differences.

7. Event Planning

Everyone has events in their life: weddings, birthdays, quinceañeras, corporate parties, among others. If you have a passion and are good at logistics and planning efforts, event planning has market potential around most geographic areas. The good thing is that you don’t necessarily need a certification on event planning to be an event planner, but they do have materials you can take under consideration to make the process easier for you and spend less time on organizing (which means more free time for you!).

8. Sell Homemade Products

Whether it be food, candles, jewelry, soap, art, clothes–the sky’s the limit–there is a market for people who like their things handmade, well-thought-out, done from the heart, and customized. You can take your creativity and your passions, bring them together, and make a business out of it! You can sell your products on social media, your website (you can start your own website through Shopify), Etsy, or Amazon if done in bigger bulk!
You don’t need prior preparation to start this type of business, but you do need time to produce, space at home for your inventory, and lots of passion for what you choose at the end of the day.

9. Expert Witness Service

Needed often to defend cases of patent litigation in the Federal Court, expert witness services are needed, very profitable, and often overlooked as an income alternative. If you count with the academic knowledge and 8+ years of field experience in sciences, engineering, or business, you could see potential for becoming an expert witness. Nevertheless, once you are hired as an expert witness, a lot of time will be invested in preparation and writing.
For more information on how to become an expert witness, you can contact us!

10. Stock Photography

Premium and free stock photo websites are actively looking for high quality pictures to license and give to their subscribers to stay competitive. You may have seen pictures from Shutterstock, Getty Images, or iStock — they need people who have good camera skills to take their pictures! Are you one of those people?

There’s no excuse to not start today!

There are many more alternatives to start businesses at home, but we have compiled a list of some of our favorites to benefit you and others to get you started on a self-managed life! Even if there are risks that come along with starting a business, you may be exactly what someone else is looking for. So, why not?
For more support on starting your business today, you can feel free to contact our team. We are looking forward to seeing you get started!
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3 Programs to Maintain a Healthy Accounting System for your Small Business

3 Programs to Maintain a Healthy Accounting System for your Small Business

December 8, 2021 – Angel Calderón

Let’s start off by introducing the term “accounting”. Accounting, according to the Corporate Finance Institute, describes the process of consolidating your financial information to make it clear and understandable for stakeholders and shareholders. In Accounting, the main goal is to accurately record any and all financial performance pertaining to an entity or organization’s financial performance
Learning to take control of your finances will bring upon bigger opportunities for growth as it will help you make better decisions, handle better communication between you and your stakeholders, and meet the legal requirements of the tax authorities. For example, in Puerto Rico, all taxes are due to be submitted by April 15 every year.  Having organized documentation is key to easy and responsible accounting and will facilitate the input and filing process of your company.
Read more: If you have any doubts about taxes in the US, the IRS has some tutorials you can check.
The first part of handling your business accounting needs is to start off by keeping a complete record of the money your company earns (income), and the money your business has been going through (expenses). Most likely, you will learn to maintain copies of receipts, invoices and bills. This will help you organize, track, and manage the money and needs effectively. You will also need to learn bookkeeping, meaning you will choose if your company will run with a Cash or accrual accounting method. A Certified Public Accountant, or CPA, can help you decide which method is best for your business.
Read more: If you find this helpful, you can learn more about bookkeeping here.
However, there are various ways to keep track of your accounting and the benefits of being conscious of your accounting can go from saving money, to reducing risk, compling with regulatory agencies, managing growth, and planning ahead. Our recommendation is to always talk with a CPA you can trust first. But don’t worry, if you are still in the early stages of your business, here at PG we have our best 3 recommendations so you can take control of your finances.

1. Excel

With Excel, you may track your expenses and income on a monthly basis, you may create budgets and it is very easy to learn thanks in part to the Excel functions in finance. Excel is great for early start-ups and small businesses ranging from 1-5 employees. For some free courses on learning to use Excel, click here.

2. QuickBooks

Being one of the most trusted and easy-to-learn accounting software, Quickbooks is easily one of our top picks for all Accounting needs. Quickbooks is hand in hand with Intuit, which runs Turbotax, for fast tax filings. Quickbooks can match the needs of early startups and of big companies. It’s price ranges from $7.50 for startups up to $15 for bigger scale companies.  For more information about Quickbooks and its various resources, like courses, click here.

3. AccountBerry

This was founded in 2018 in San Juan, PR. It features a large number of accountants in Puerto Rico. AccountBerry also features tax filings for Puerto Rico so if you are living in the island, you can file them through the program itself. Something very attractive about AccountBerry is that prices start at $5 a month. This is the best accounting tool for tax-payers in Puerto Rico as well as companies that are growing in Puerto Rico (like our member companies!). If you would like to know more about AccountBerry, more information can be found here.
Being active in your business’ accounting is a great way to always be on top of all your needs. With small steps like learning to do your own bookkeeping or giving in to a bigger tool like using one of the many accounting programs, you will be ready to take the steps your company needs. A healthy accounting system will help your business to grow.
Have you used any of these programs? Do you have other recommendations? Feel free to let us know below and you are welcome to enjoy any of our great content at Perspectivas Globales.

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How to Go from Failure to Success in 4 Steps

How to Go from Failure to Success in 4 Steps

December 2nd, 2021 – Angely Toro

Failure is a constant part of life, whether it is in a test, interview or business. Many famous people have failed numerous times before making it big. Abraham Lincoln lost 26 campaigns before becoming president, Micheal Jordan was cut off of his highschool basketball team and Stephen King’s book, Carrie, was rejected 30 times before being published. All of these people had to struggle and then had the opportunity to rise up to be where they are today. Was it hard? Very likely. Did they give up? No. You shouldn’t either! Here are a few tips to help you deal with failure and help you rise up to success.
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”
– Robert F. Kennedy.

1. Don't Focus on the Problem-- Focus on the Solution

“Mourn, then move on” is a way you can put it. Failure sometimes will take over your emotions. You will feel frustrated, sad, angry, mixed with other emotions that come from the situation. This is a natural process of our emotions when things don’t work out the way we want them to. Even so you need to get yourself together and move on. Staying in a dark room will not bring anything. Focus on how you can solve the problem. Look for solutions and try them. If it is a major failure then it is time to find a new goal and try again. There is no problem in this world that can’t be solved. When you have your mindset on solutions and not on problems you can move on. Remember to search for solutions or ask for help when needed. You can reach others, who have faced the same problem or share your feelings with loved ones to bring some inner peace.
“There’s no use talking about the problem unless you talk about the solution.”
– Betty Williams

2. Take the Opportunity to Learn from your Mistakes

If you don’t know what went wrong, then you’re destined to repeat it. The moment you know something  is not working means that it is time to take a step back and study your process. Try to find what, when, or how things went wrong by going over your steps. You can do this by writing the steps on a notebook, apps or web-pages that have your daily achievements. Remember that failure is only a step closer to success.
“I have not failed. I have found 10,000 ways that don’t work.”
– Thomas Edison.

3. Be Kind to Yourself

When we fail we tend to put the blame on ourselves. Is it because “you are not good enough, you are not capable enough or not intelligent enough?”. The answer is no. There are hundreds of reasons why you could have failed and it has nothing to do with how capable you are. This moment is for you to take yourself up and start again but before trying again do something to make yourself feel better. 
Start by taking a break, go watch a movie, go for a walk, hang out with your loved ones or do something alone that makes you feel good like taking a bubble bath or eating ice cream. Let your mind and body rest from all the hard work. Remember to avoid any negative thoughts, just keep saying positive things about yourself like “you can do it, it is not anyone’s fault, we can try again”.
Once you have recovered, then start again with a positive attitude. Don’t think negatively about yourself because you have everything to succeed, you just need to find the right way of doing it.
“Remember you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving yourself and see what happens.”
Louise L Hay

4. Don’t Let Fear Win

Fear is constantly lurking and waiting for the exact moment to attack. You might rethink starting again because of the fear of failing once more. You need to remember your goal, why you started this and fight to surpass that fear. Life is about taking risks, sometimes we fail and sometimes we succeed but in the end it is still a win, we learn and we try again.
Keep focus on your goal and try over and over again until you succeed. Fear will always be there waiting but you need to ask yourself, are you going to let fear rule your life or are you going to rule over your fears? Once you find the answer to this question you will be able to do anything.
“The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”
— Nelson Mandela
There you have it! By integrating these 4 steps in your life you can start turning what you categorize as “failures” into successes. Remember that consistency is key when it comes to changing how you view failure. No matter how hard an obstacle may seem, allow yourself to take a step back from the situation, analyze it with a fresh perspective, and use those lessons learned from past mistakes as stepping stones to achieve your goal.
You are the pilot of your journey, take control of your rocket and you will see that the possibilities are sky-high when it comes to your potential.

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Mindfulness in the Workplace

Mindfulness in the Workplace

November 24, 2021 Hector Santana

Running a business can be a stressful situation. This worry and tension can result in a diversity of negative effects including but not limited to occupational difficulties , burnout, anxiety, depression, and cardiovascular problems like an elevated risk of heart attacks. These effects on the individual can lead to effects on the organization such as low productivity, absenteeism, and high turnover. In moderating the damaging effects of stress and tension to employees and organizations, psychology presents us with various strategies including mindfulness.
The American Psychological Association defines Mindfulness as an awareness of one’s internal states and surroundings. In practice, it can be described as “training your attention to achieve a mental state of calm concentration and positive emotion”. In essence, Mindfulness is a strategy, akin to meditation, that helps individuals live in the moment, separating themselves from past and future, from opinion and judgements, and just be; a very intentional awareness of the present moment in a non-judgmental fashion.

Benefits of Minfulness

The benefits of practicing mindfulness are long, plenty, and have been confirmed by numerous scientific studies. The Psych Professionals, a group of practicing psychologists from Australia, mention as benefits: a reduction in rumination, reduction in stress, decrease in anxiety, increased focus, and higher relationship satisfaction. Forbes adds to this list a reduction in prejudice, improved cognition, better collaboration, and better memory, amongst others.
From a neurological standpoint, mindfulness has been able to show real changes in the brain. Some of the noticeable changes that have been identified in relation to mindfulness are changes in the function of the medial cortex, the insula, and the amygdala. Validating this information, further research indicates several measurable changes in the brain in relation to mindfulness practices.
As we can see, mindfulness is an effective tool to control some of the negative effects that can arise while managing a business. With all of the benefits that can be obtained from mindfulness, one would think that the practice would be very complicated and would require some professional assistance to use. Although there are therapeutic approaches and other techniques implemented by mental health professionals, using mindfulness in everyday life is not only possible, but also relatively straightforward. Here are a few tips and techniques that can be used to promote mindfulness and its benefits in the workplace.

Techniques to Implement and Foment Mindfulness in the Workplace

Find a Quiet Place

Just having a private, quiet place where employees can go to wind down and collect their thoughts is a good starting point and solid base to promote mindfulness. A safe space away from the noise, the lights, and the overall office environment will provide an opportunity for employees and leaders to focus on the present without the distraction of others. Just a few minutes being away from elevated levels of stimuli and just “being” can reap tangible benefits.
Here in PG we have our own space, away from distractions where team members can take a few minutes to unwind and come back to work fully recharged!

Single Tasking

In modern times, we are used to doing as many things as possible at once. We do this with the intent of being productive and getting things done. Dedicating so many cognitive resources across multiple tasks will significantly diminish the focus one can allocate to each individual task and thus limit productivity. By allowing and promoting employees to work in a single task, all effort and all focus can be directed to one specific task which can greatly increase the chances of success and stimulate engagement and flow. 

Mindful Breathing

Mindful breathing is a specific technique related to mindfulness which has individuals in short meditations focusing solely on their breath. To participate in mindful breathing, one would assume a comfortable posture, either sitting or lying down, close the eyes or lower one’s gaze, and simply breathe; breathe while focusing solely on one’s breath while acknowledging but not spending time in ideas or thoughts that might come. The greatest thing related to mindful breathing is its simplicity and the fact that it requires no equipment which means it can be done during a short break at work while sitting. 
This YouTube video by creator Mylife is a guided example of a Mindful Breathing Exercise you can try!

Stay Mindful!

Originating from traditional eastern meditation, mindfulness is a great tool to combat the everyday stresses that occur in the workplace or in life in general. With simple breathing techniques or just a moment away from everything to focus on yourself,  mindfulness can bring a number of benefits that will not only be beneficial for the individual, but for the organization as a whole. Trying mindfulness has no cost and the possible benefits can alleviate a lot of the pressures of everyday life, so; why not give it a try?
Have you ever had any experiences with Mindfulness? Have you heard about it before? Please let us know below and feel free to read some of our other amazing content!

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13 Inspiring Quotes to Motivate Small Business Owners

13 Inspiring Quotes to Motivate Small Business Owners

November 16, 2021 – Loriel Chung

Are you constantly seeking inspiration to motivate your inner entrepreneur?
It is no secret that beginning a small business is not an easy task. It is a constant process of trial and error, learning from past mistakes and listening to your own inner voice to bring your idea to life.
You can reach a certain point in your entrepreneurial journey where you get frustrated because you spend countless hours without seeing any fruits from your labor. Approximately, 20 percent of small businesses fail within the first year and over 50% of small businesses fail after five years in business. However, it is your motivation and focused vision on your dream business that will drive you to achieve success.
We have gathered inspiring quotes from successful entrepreneurs that once were in your shoes to motivate you and help you dust off those days where everything seems impossible.

1. “Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you.”

–Tony Hsieh, Zappos CEO

2. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

–Steve Jobs, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO, Apple

3. “Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.”

–Guy Kawasaki, Alltop Co-Founder and Entrepreneur

4. “I knew that if I failed I wouldn’t regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying.”

–Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder and CEO

5. “User experience is everything. It always has been, but it’s undervalued and underinvested in. If you don’t know user-centered design, study it. Hire people who know it. Obsess over it. Live and breathe it. Get your whole company on board.”

–Evan Williams, Co-Founder, Twitter

6. “What do you need to start a business? Three simple things: know your product better than anyone, know your customer, and have a burning desire to succeed.”

–Dave Thomas, Founder, Wendy’s

7. “You shouldn’t focus on why you can’t do something, which is what most people do. You should focus on why perhaps you can, and be one of the exceptions.”

–Steve Case, AOL Co-Founder and CEO

8. “Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.”

–Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay Cosmetics Founder

9. “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over.”

–Richard Branson, Virgin Group Founder

10. “Trust your instincts.”

–Estée Lauder, Founder, Estée Lauder

11. “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

–Bill Gates, Microsoft Founder and former CEO

12. “When you find an idea that you just can’t stop thinking about, that’s probably a good one to pursue.”

–Josh James, Omniture CEO and Co-Founder

13. "You have to see failure as the beginning and the middle, but never entertain it as an end."

-Jessica Herrin, founder and CEO of Stella & Dot

Owning a business can be challenging but very rewarding. To achieve success in your business you must be focused, determined but, most importantly, believe you can accomplish great things. Read these inspirational quotes every day to remind yourself that even great minds have had bad days and you are not alone in this entrepreneurial journey. If you are in need of mentorship or experience-based guidance with your business, Perspectivas Globales is here to help. Contact us to see how PG can be part of your team of success.
What inspirational quote inspires you? Let us know in the comments!
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5 Easy Programming Languages to Learn

5 Easy Programming Languages To Learn

November 9, 2021 –  José Vázquez

As technology’s development has been skyrocketing, many industries have the need for programmers, and it is highly likely that you also need a programmer for your project. Programming languages are based on code, and this code contains letters and words that have, like any other language, a syntax and a grammar. However, programming languages are primarily used to develop and/or implement algorithms to solve some sort of computer-system-related problem.
Sounds complicated? Well, then you’d be surprised to know that there are various easy programming languages to learn at your disposal. Even if you know nothing about coding, you can start programming in no time with these easy-to-learn languages!
Learning a programming language can be helpful in various ways. Depending on the language, you could develop a web application, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning applications, robotics, phone apps, even finance and many other types of applications. Thus, with so many possibilities, one of these easy programming languages is sure to tackle one of your problems and/or needs for your business!
Without further ado, here are five easy programming languages to learn:
Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn, and it is still a very powerful and popular programming language. It is a general-purpose programming language– what this means is that it can be used for a broad variety of purposes. Be it robotics, artificial intelligence, data analysis, statistics, graphical data processing, and many more, Python has got you covered.
Although Python excels at all these things, it is also a great tool for developing web applications (especially when combined with frameworks such as Flask or Django).
Above all, it excels at ease of code readability and a reasonable learning curve, while still being a potent programming language.

Common Uses

Data analysis and visualization, AI and Machine Learning, business applications, web applications and game development.
If you’d like to learn Python, Google offers a free module you can check out here.
JavaScript is probably the easiest and funnest programming language to learn, and it is highly popular because of it. Also, If you visit their website, you’ll find that they offer a variety of courses to help beginners learn and start developing their own projects. Furthermore, JavaScript is the most used scripting language for web development (97% of websites use it) since it is the only programming language native to the web browser (meaning that it is supported by all web browsers).

Some Features

The JavaScript programming language let’s you handle your website’s general logic and procedure, as well as giving interactive behavior to the web page, some features include:
  • Show or hide more information with the click of a button.
  • Change the color of a button when the mouse hovers over it.
  • Slide through a carousel of images on the homepage.
  • Zooming in or zooming out on an image.
  • Displaying a timer or count-down on a website.
  • Playing audio and video in a web page.
  • Displaying animations.
  • Using a drop-down hamburger menu.
  • Many more features…
If you want to learn and develop your own web and/or mobile application, JavaScript is your go-to programming language, preferably alongside HTML (to edit web page display/structure), CSS (to edit web pages style).

Common Uses

Web applications/development and servers, video games, mobile applications.
If you’d like to learn more on JavaScript, here is an Introduction to JavaScript course by Codecademy.
A relatively new programming language, Go (or unofficially known as GoLang) is a powerful language commonly used for large-scale infrastructure projects. It was recently (2007) developed by Google in order to create a fast and simple programming language to use for large-scale projects. Above all, Go excels at infrastructure support, giving developers a safe and fast tool to handle servers and applications.
The Go programming language is considered faster and simpler (easier to learn) than Java, C and C++, which are three relatively easy languages to learn and read. Therefore, Go is one of the best programming languages for beginners to start programming. It is also increasing in popularity over the years, making it a good skill to add to your resumé. Famous users include Netflix, Uber and SoundCloud.
Also, isn’t Go’s gopher mascot just the funniest and cutest mascot you’ve ever seen?

Common Uses

Software infrastructure, AI applications, robotics and cloud-based applications (accessible via the internet).
If you want to check out more on GoLang, check out these resources.
Like JavaScript, PHP is also a scripting language primarily used for web development by making the web application dynamic and interactive. However, Javascript is client-based (runs on the browser) while PHP is server-based (runs on a server). 
Moreover, there are some things PHP is better at than Javascript and vice versa; which one you choose will depend on your immediate needs. Both PHP and JavaScript still hold importance nowadays and are still fairly powerful and easy programming languages to learn.  In addition, PHP has many libraries you can use to work with and program your own web server, website and/or web application.

Common Uses

Web and server programming, command-line scripting.
If PHP fits your business needs, a  great way to start learning about it is through the company’s official resources.
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a domain-specific programming language, as opposed to a general-purpose one, SQL is specifically designed to program database structures. A database is a structured collection of data held in a computer (be it personal computer or server computer accessible through the internet).
Having a database is essential for any software that requires large data storage (most software programs that involve many users) and/or that are web applications, thus learning SQL (or any SQL-based services like PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and SQL Server) is essential for most programmers.
As it is an essential programming language to learn, SQL has a very reasonable learning curve, while still being very powerful and useful.

Common Uses

Database creation and manipulation.
If you would like to learn more about SQL we recommend you check out these resources!
There you have them; five easy programming languages to learn! If you agree or disagree with us, or if there’s a programming language we didn’t mention in this post, please let us know by writing us a comment!
Want to read more? Here is another blog post you might find interesting:Developing Software Through Open Source Libraries for Beginners

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3 Time Management Techniques You Need to Master to Live Your Best Life

3 Time Management Techniques You Need to Master to Live Your Best Life

Novemeber 2nd, 2021– Ariadna Quiles

Sometimes, it feels like 24 hours a day is not enough to do everything we want or have to do. There are also times when we have so much on our plate that we do not know how to start or which task has the most importance. Read this blog post for useful techniques to improve your time management skills and make the best out of every day!

Own your Life!

It is no secret that managing your time well can help you catapult your life to a whole new level. Time efficient people can handle various projects simultaneously, go to work, do exercise, and still manage to get their full 7-8 hours of sleep while maintaining their social/family life in a healthy standard. How do they do it? It is very surprising (and sometimes intimidating) when there are people in life who cannot accomplish half of the things they proposed themselves to achieve in their to-do lists!
We have some news for you: time management is no superpower! It is actually the most valuable trait any person can learn. A lot of practice and commitment to your schedule will help you go a long way, as you will learn through this guide.
Let’s cut to the chase!

Firstly, Understand that Time Management needs to be planned.

This is the first mistake we tend to make when we have a lot on our plate: forgetting to plan how to start and execute. Similarly, people can get rushed with all of the work that is suddenly presented and skip this step. Time management techniques have to be applied after you have planned your day; if not, they will simply not work and you will see yourself wasting your (precious) time. Take at least 10 minutes every day to plan your day with the following techniques and you will see yourself saving at least 2 hours of usually wasted time. After planning your day, you will find yourself less stressed and more focused on your goals.
Here are our favorite ways to manage our time:

1. Time Blocking Technique

Marketed by Elon Musk and Bill Gates, this technique is made to help you plan out every last second of your day to make it more fruitful. This is one of the most popular strategies used by efficient time-managers to distribute their day as it can ramp up your productivity 80% more! This is a must-try technique for every upcoming time manager.
Steps to Succed:
  1. List all of the things you have to do during the day and estimate how long each one will take. 
  2. On a piece of paper, write down each hour of the day, from when you wake up to when you go to sleep, and divide them into hour segments or half an hour chunks.
  3. Fit all of your tasks into those time slots and distribute your day. 
  4. Add some buffer time while your body adjusts to your new tasks.
Some personally recommended tools you can use for Time Blocking are Google Calendar (this tutorial shows you how), DeWo, and Plan; all of which are free. 
To read more about Time Blocking and it’s different variations, you can follow this guide.

Eisenhower’s Technique (4Ds)

Dwight D. Eisenhower, American military officer and 34th president of the United States, created a method that has been adapted over time to categorize what tasks should be the center of attention at the moment, which will be the center of attention at a later moment, and which will never be.
Steps to Succed:
1. Make a list of all of your tasks and add two columns corresponding to “Importance” & “Urgent.” This will help you identify which tasks to tackle first.
  • Important tasks are those that have an effect on your goals.
  • Urgent tasks are in the need of your immediate attention. Consequences of not doing immediates tasks are seen at the moment.
2. Mark the tasks if they are important and/or urgent.
3. Make a matrix with four quadrants and distribute accordingly (like the picture we have above).
  • Do Tasks – Urgent and Important. There are two types of these: the ones you left for the last minute and the ones you did not foresee.
– For the tasks that fall under the first subcategory, this can be resolved through prior planning and avoiding procrastination.
– For the unpredicted tasks, always try to have some extra time in your schedule that is left free just in case unexpected issues arise during the day. If a major crisis occurs, opt for rescheduling any other task that does not fall in this category.
Either way, these are the tasks that need your attention and it is critical that you are part of them.
  • Delegate Tasks – Urgent but not Important
These are possible obstacles that impede you from your goal. These activities usually come in through people on your teams who will ask you for support. Here are some alternatives you can approach with:
– Reschedule with the person
– Delegate the task to someone else
– Respectfully say no; encourage them and guide them to solve their own issues.
  • Decide Tasks – Important, not urgent
These are tasks that help you achieve your personal or professional goals. If you are effectively managing your time, most of your tasks should be here. Let these tasks have generous slots of time so they do not become urgent.
  • Delete Tasks – Unimportant and not urgent.
These activities are distractions, do not do them. You can ignore these or cancel them politely and explain why you cannot do it.
4. Act on your planned distribution.

3. Eat That Frog Technique

Golden hours, biological prime times, productivity peaks, or however you call them– this method encourages you to use the time of the day in which you are the most aware and productive and use it to tackle the most difficult and important tasks you have to do, a.k.a. your frogs.
Steps to Succed:
  1. Write down your goals in detail. 
  2. Break down those goals into smaller tasks.
  3. Read all of the tasks you have to do and rank them in order of importance from A to E.
  4. Start with your A tasks (your frogs) and focus on one at a time.
To learn more on the Eat that Frog technique, read this article.
Fun fact #1: The creator of this method, Brian Tracy, wrote a great book on this method called Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time. You can get this book on Amazon.
Fun fact #2: This technique is often paired with the Pomodoro Technique.
With these great techniques in mind, here are two helpful tips to compliment your new efficient-time-manager lifestyle!

Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking is more often thought of as a strength than what it actually is: a bad habit. If you have it in your resume, erase it. According to Forbes, focusing on one thing at a time is more efficient than focusing on plenty. Moreover, it has been proven by neuroscience professionals that multitasking is prone to lower your performance, make you make more mistakes, and increase your stress levels to lower brain functionality.
To avoid multitasking, you can:
– Minimize your distractions (turn off your notifications, work in a quiet place, close unused tabs/apps, and focus).
– Do not be afraid to say no (respectfully).
– Keep your area clean!

Wake up Earlier

Sometimes tedious, but in the long run, very helpful. Think about it… If you tend to wake up at 7:00am and you decide to start your day at 5:00am, you will have 2 more hours of the day to do more tasks; which leads to 14 hours a week, up to 62 more hours (a little more than two full days and a half), and 728 hours a year (a month worth of work)!
In these additional hours you have, you can:
– Take more time to prioritize and plan your day
– Enjoy your breakfast in the tranquility of a quiet space
– Enjoy less commuting
– Do exercise
– Learn something new
The possibilities are limitless! However, one thing should always be clear: you have the full opportunity to completely seize the day! Additionally, there are great health benefits to waking up early.

Take out your calendar; time is ticking!

It is time to start practicing time management! Do you have other techniques that have worked for you? Feel free to share them in our comment section below.
If you or your teams are interested in help in time management seminars, techniques, or general mentorship, feel free to contact the PG team today.

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Sustainable Entrepreneurship: A Talk with Patricia I. Colón of Moriviví

Sustainable Entrepreneurship: A Talk with Patricia I. Colón of Moriviví

October 27, 2021Alejandra Lam Panell

On September 22, I had the chance to interview Patricia I. Colón, co-owner of Moriviví, a women-owned company that produces essential natural care products for the face and body made by hand with natural and sustainable ingredients. Throughout the discussion, I was able to learn a lot about why this business began, global awareness, and how you can spread awareness through your venture also known as social entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship is defined as “the process by which individuals, startups, and entrepreneurs develop and fund solutions that directly address social issues.” This is exactly what Patricia wants to do with Moriviví: create awareness on ways the community can help the environment with personal care products such as deodorant, facial soaps and much more and you will see that through this interview. In this blog post, we summarize key moments and takeaways from this interview.

1. Tell us about your trajectory as an entrepreneur

Moriviví was founded by my partner Valeria, approximately three years ago, when she was a student at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez campus. She was studying agronomy, she had just been unemployed. A friend had taught her to make soaps, and she also had a vegan lifestyle, is environmentally conscious, and studying environmental science & agronomy. She started to realize that a major problem that exists in Puerto Rico is access to beauty products that were clean, ethical, and free of plastic and packaging
She sees a business opportunity and decides to start making her own bar soaps and shampoos, which three years ago, were a novelty.  [[…]] When I entered the Moriviví team, I didn’t know much about this– no chemistry, no cosmetology– my background is in International Relations and I have a master’s degree in Environment and Sustainable Development. 
I specialize in the subject of Corporate Social Responsibility. Therefore, I love the whole issue of the aspect of providing social and environmental responsibility to the corporate aspect and that is what I practice through Moriviví. That is where my trajectory begins. I returned to Puerto Rico because of the pandemic; like many who were forced to return. I was living in Africa then. 
[[…]] Valeria, at that time, was going to close down Moriviví because she was going to live in the United States to study naturopathy and I, unemployed, told her, “this is a business I want to be a part of. We can be partners & I can take charge. Go in peace. I am going to run Moriviví from here and we are going to give continuity to this project that has great potential.” That is where the line of values ​​that both Valeria and I share goes, and which we are trying to grow and promote within an ethical and sustainable business in Puerto Rico.

2. At what point did you say: "I want to undertake"?

I have always wanted to since I graduated from my master’s degree. I am well structured, I am a half communist in that sense, and I have a five-year plan. [[…]]  I have worked with NGOs in the past, but I always knew that I wanted to develop a company with social value that could do what an NGO does but that did not depend on self-management. This was an opportunity that came to me on a silver platter.  “This is it, maybe my plans need to be altered a little bit,” I said. Yes. Five years ahead of me and here it is. You already know the rest. Let’s get our hands on what’s out there. It was kind of like you have to seize opportunities when they come.

3. Did you ever say: "this is not for me"? If yes, what gave you that push to continue?

Well, I’m not going to lie to you, it has been a continuous back and forth. First of all, I don’t have a background in business management. Now, we are also going to talk a little about the challenges as a businesswoman in Puerto Rico and as young people that we are. It has been like trusting and distrusting oneself and the opportunities, I have had other opportunities in life that make me think of whether I really want to continue entrepreneurship or “am I going for the safe, the simple, which will guarantee my salary?”. One thing that has kept me afloat is the clients, and seeing that satisfaction, and being able to say, “This is what we are creating, and it is having a tangible impact.” Although that is a lot of work, it is worth it.

4. Tell us about your industry

Puerto Rico has a well-developed industry of artisan products […]. However, one creates an added value, one seeks to create a different proposal and engage and one can easily fall into a company that has not necessarily been the cleanest or the most ethical. Moriviví, how we started to say at the beginning, it is born from a need, it is born from looking for alternatives and we want to provide our customers with precisely that, an alternative to clean beauty and personal care products, a sustainable alternative, and an alternative that goes according to a lifestyle perhaps a little more conscious and cleaner with the environment and with society. There is the thing: we have a serious problem with climate change, a serious pollution problem, and corporations are only responsible for 71% of greenhouse gases. We know that climate change is super affected by corporations, by capitalism.
I faithfully believe as owner, co-owner, and entrepreneur, that we, those of us who are in the production and product development industry, have the responsibility and we have to assume a role of promoting change.[…]. We basically want to get into this industry and rethink how we can do things, challenge that status-quo of how things have been done traditionally and seek to provide those alternatives to our clients. The subject of chemicals has not even been touched, the subject of things that you are putting into your body, you know, all those fragrances, all those dyes, all those excesses of chemicals that your body is absorbing, which has been associated, for example, deodorants, aluminum in deodorants is associated with breast cancer. The Vento, OxibenZona on a sun block associated with bleaching and damage to marine ecosystems.
Many of these products that we have been developing as a small company, is to provide an alternative to people on products that do work but do not necessarily have to have all this stream of chemicals that are damaging the environment and your body. We are trying to challenge the status quo from within and to reform using capitalism even to our advantage. To be an entity of good and change from within.
For more, watch the full interview here.
After absorbing all this information and expanding my knowledge, I leave you with some of those enriching facts that Patricia spoke about.

Takeaway 1: Clean Products

During the Interview, Patricia spoke a lot about awareness in areas like the environment and also what we apply to our bodies. I definitely agree that there is a need in society where people did not have the option of utilizing clean, ethical and plastic free beauty products in the body care industry in Puerto Rico. It is really fascinating how her entrepreneurship aligns with her lifestyle. An example is the sun block which often contains chemicals that affect the ecosystem when applied outdoors. Let’s utilize all these resources but our way to make this world a better one to live in!

Takeaway 2: Client Appreciation

She also recognized the importance of client satisfaction. Patricia and her partner created products to reach those who want to change their lifestyle to a environmentally-conscious one and, at the same time, educate those that are not aware of these matters while giving them a new and interesting option. She mentioned that in difficult moments she reminds herself of those happy customers because that gives her that push to continue and remember why she is doing this. Clients are the gasoline of every business; they give us a reason to continue. Identify your clients and always be grateful for each one!

Takeaway 2: Seizing the Opportunity

Even though she is an expert in the area of environmental sustainability, she had no experience in administering a business. She mentions it has been a learning experience but we can take a lot from this. You can learn in the process of creating your venture, you will not know it all from the start.
If you have a business idea, and you are not familiar with running a business, contact us in Perspectivas Globales and apply for membership. We will set you up for success! 
I enjoyed our chat because I was able to learn about an industry I had little to no knowledge of in a friendly conversation as you would with a colleague. These talented women identified a need in society which goes with their lifestyle, which gives them the drive to be passionate about their solutions. It is without a doubt that entrepreneurship is not an easy path but Patricia mentioned her clients’ satisfaction kept her going. Be the motor of a small business today! #ApoyaLoLocal
If you would like to be part of a Tertulia de Emprendimiento do not hesitate to reach out, send us an email, [email protected].
Want to learn more about Moriviví? Go check out the FULL interview on our Youtube channel, and check their product at their official website.

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