Author: Jesús Rodríguez

10 Puerto Rican Podcasts That Will Help You Elevate Your Business Today

Here are our favorite business podcasts from Puerto Rican entrepreneurs that will give you a different perspective of how business is done in Puerto Rico.

Top 5 Reasons to Have a Business Mentor

Experience is the best teacher. Entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs had mentors to support them. We have compiled a list of our top five reasons why you should find a business mentor.

6 Lessons Learned from a Venture Capital Managing Director

Perspectivas Globales sat down for a chat with Hemant Taneja, an investor, founder, and author. Here are some key takeaways from our conversation with Taneja.

10 Tips to Start a Non-Profit Organization in Puerto Rico

Through this blog, we hope to share useful tips and lessons that we have experienced first hand in the process of starting a nonprofit organization in Puerto Rico.

3 Easy Steps to Make Your Business Budget

Don’t know where to start with your business’ finance? Read this to learn the 3 easy steps for budgeting your business without being an expert!

How Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: 6 Tips

Effective teamwork takes effort from all parts involved. But how can we be successful as a team? Find out how teamwork makes the dream work!

5 Steps to Build a Positive Workplace Culture

Want to have a collaborative and positive culture and environment? Read this article to find out how these steps can help you achieve that!

How to Brand Your Business: 3 Basic Elements for Entrepreneurs

What is a brand? Why is it so important to dedicate time to your brand? eep reading this article to see what elements are essential to build an unforgettable and distinguishable business brand.

4 Ways to Elevate your Business’s Marketing

“How can I expand my brand?” “How can I make more money?” Here are some examples of ways you can elevate your marketing strategy and expand your business.

5 Ways to Cut Costs in Your Small Business

Looking for a way to reduce the costs of running your business? Of course you are! Lucky for you, this blog is rich in strategies you can mix and match to save money in your company.