Author: Jesús Rodríguez

5 Entrepreneurial Podcasts You Should Start Listening To

As entrepreneurs, we are constantly trying to acquire new skills and knowledge to survive and thrive in the competitive business landscape. While reading an insightful business book is almost always the best way to gain knowledge and wisdom, not everyone can find time in their busy schedule to read books. What could a busy entrepreneur do? The answer is right on your phone start listening to podcasts! You can tune into podcasts anytime you want; while commuting to work, jogging, cooking, cycling, or even while working out at the gym.

The 10 Biggest Mistakes Made by Small Business Owners

Many things can happen when we enter the world of entrepreneurship, but it is up to you how to visualize and handle them. There are several ways to identify those aspects that do not work and generate effectiveness on it. Entrepreneurial ventures are fraught with missteps, mishaps, and mistakes. No matter how steeped you are in business-ownership experience, you are bound to run into problems at some point. The key to your success is to quickly identify your mistakes. Most business owners fall into the same traps. It’s those mistakes that could make the difference between owning a successful and viable small business or owning a money pit that could leave you in financial pain for years to come.

How to Develop your Brand’s Mission, Vision, and Values

Chances are, you created your startup for a specific purpose with a specific set of values in mind. Perhaps you have even imagined where your business could be 20, 30, or even 50 years from now. You know what your goals, dreams, and ideals for your business are. If you want to find a way to share those with your customers, this article is a must-read for you!

3 Most-Reads for Every Entrepreneur

For some people, reading is an unnatural activity, because our brain is not used to keeping its attention fixed on a point for a long time; it immediately tends to get lost in the face of any new stimulus. However, when we read, we recreate the imagined in such a way that the same brain areas are activated as they do when we observe something that is happening in reality. All studies suggest that reading favors concentration, increases the gray matter of the brain, makes us more empathetic and has more professional success. And you, what are you waiting for to read?

10 Things Every Entrepreneur Should Know About HR

For any entrepreneur that has employees or hopes to hire employees in the future, this article is a must-read for you! Human resources (HR) is a critical part of every successful business and a necessity to protect and organize company practices. People are in the core of every business in the world, and having the right tools to start managing your people operations is at the tip of your fingers.

10 Helpful Lessons Learned From PG Startup Founders

Creating a startup as a new entrepreneur can lead you down a very bumpy road. Make your journey a little smoother with the 10 lessons learned from our startup founders.

How To Set & Achieve Goals For Your Business In 6 Steps

How To Set & Achieve Goals For Your Business In 6 Steps April 9, 2021 – Kalya Nuñez The most essential step in reaching success as a small business leader is learning how to set and achieve goals for your business both properly and effectively. If you struggle with coming up with realistic goals that […]

Meet Hemant Taneja, Your Guide To Global Entrepreneurship

Meet Hemant Taneja, Your Guide To Global Entrepreneurship April 2, 2021 – Kalya Nuñez Defining Your Entrepreneurial Journey When starting out as a young, aspiring entrepreneur, the best way to learn the ropes quickly and efficiently is by sitting down with those who have already been through the process and asking as many questions as […]

10 Interesting Facts About Small Businesses You Need To Know

10 Interesting Facts About Small Businesses You Need To Know March 26, 2021 – Kalya Nuñez Are you thinking of starting your own business? See how you measure up with these 10 facts about small businesses that every aspiring entrepreneur should know before creating their own startup. Are You An Aspiring Entrepreneur? If you are […]

5 Amazing Online Organization Tools For Students, Entrepreneurs, & More

5 Amazing Online Organization Tools For Students, Entrepreneurs, & More March 19, 2021 – Kalya Nuñez Do you have multiple pending meetings, a handful of presentations to plan, and weeks worth of work you are running behind on? Keep up with your busy schedule and stay on top of your daily tasks with these 5 […]