Perspectivas Globales Apoya a Flexio

Perspectivas Globales Apoya a Flexio para Innovar el Campo de Logística y Transportación

March 12, 2021

Proyecto de Incubadora y Aceleradora de negocios de Puerto Rico brinda fondos a Flexio International, LLC para impulsar su capacidad operacional.
Mayagüez, PR: Iniciar un negocio propio no es tarea fácil; hay que considerar finanzas, compromiso, maquinaria y si el concepto es aceptado por el mercado meta. La pandemia del COVID-19 ha trastocado a todas las empresas en la isla y ha detenido el movimiento de muchos inversionistas.
Sin embargo, el proyecto de aceleradora e incubadora de negocios, Perspectivas Globales, ha provisto la cantidad de $50,000.00 para apoyar a la empresa ascendente de logística y transportación, Flexio International, LLC, en sus operaciones y desarrollo de plataformas en software para la misma.
“Flexio es una red inteligente de transporte de carga que aprovecha software avanzado de logística conjunto a aspectos de la economía colaborativa, conocido como el “shared economy” en inglés, para proporcionar el siguiente nivel de servicio de entregas para empresas y sus clientes. Estamos proveyendo servicios de entrega en toda la isla para todo tipo de producto con sobre 1,500 socios conductores en nuestra plataforma para negocios con poco y alto volumen,” nos cuenta Adrian Figueroa, el Oficial Ejecutivo y dueño de Flexio.
Flexio solo ha comenzado a impactar la industria de logística y entregas en Puerto Rico dejando ver el beneficio que tiene el integrar tecnología y el modelo de la economía colaborativa. Tener el apoyo financiero y la experiencia combinada de Perspectivas Globales nos ayudará a expandir operaciones en la isla y alcanzar rápidamente nuestras metas del 2021.” Le añade Orban Mendoza, Oficial de Operaciones en Flexio Internacional.
Orban Mendoza, COO (derecha), y Adrian Figueroa, CEO (izquierda) en su presentación para el Bravo Family Foundation
El equipo de Flexio ha empezado a lograr su visión, que es grande. Esta operación no se trata de entregarle comida al consumidor, se trata de hacerle llegar a los comerciantes de Puerto Rico toda su mercancía de manera inteligente y efectiva para el éxito de su negocios y clientes,” comenta el Dr. Jose Melendez, fundador de Perspectivas Globales.
Melendez es un emprendedor de vida, graduado de la Universidad de Stanford y MIT, quien junto a su esposa tienen un compromiso inquebrantable con las empresas innovadoras de Puerto Rico y las comunidades que las fomentan. “El equipo de Flexio es innovador y tienen un buen plan de trabajo y clientes que comparten la misma visión que ellos. Es un placer poder apoyarlos en esta etapa de crecimiento.
Flexio Internacional, LLC, fundada en abril de 2020, ha concretado su plan de acción y el equipo está listo para innovar en el mercado de redes de logística. Para más información sobre Flexio Internacional, favor de comunicarse a [email protected] y visite su sitio web
Flexio se prepara para transportar sus órdenes

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Our Best 6 Essential Tips For Pitching Your Business Idea

Our Best 6 Essential Tips For Pitching Your Business Idea

March 5, 2021 – Kalya Nuñez

A great business pitch is key when looking for exposure for your startup, whether you are looking for investing and funding opportunities or selling directly to a client. Master your pitching skills with our top 6 tips for pitching your business idea!

What Is A Business Pitch?

If you own a business or are planning on starting one, you should be prepared to present business pitches all throughout your project’s life. It is a great way to showcase your product or service to potential investors, clients, partners, and more!
Business pitches are essentially structured presentations where you showcase your business idea. They include a general overview of the project as well as specific information people need to make their decisions, such as how you plan on making a profit if you are pitching to investors, or how your product will solve a consumer problem if you are pitching to clients.
There is an art to creating a great business pitch, and not all pitches are created equal, so we have come up with 6 of our essential tips for pitching your business idea to help you successfully showcase your unique product or service:

6 Tips For Pitching Your Business Idea

1. Assemble a winning team

The first thing you should do is to make sure you have assembled the best possible team you can. When pitching business ideas to investors and clients, one of the key aspects they look for is a quality team.
Why? A great business idea goes nowhere if the team is not right for it. Whoever makes up your team of success should build trust in your potential partners, investors, and clients. Make sure all team members are not only fully committed, but that they add value to the project and are prepared to do whatever it takes to make the vision come to life.

2. Master your storytelling

After assembling your perfect team, the second thing on your to-do list is to practice your storytelling. In business, storytelling is a way to present facts without making them seem like facts. It focuses on the human aspect of what you are presenting, which makes what you say much more relatable to your audience.
Before you choose how to tell your story, consider who you are presenting to. What are they like? What are their interests? Why are they listening to your pitch? Keeping your audience in mind at all times will help you create a pitch that will create a connection with your listeners.

3. Prepare a pitch deck

Once you master storytelling, you can prepare a pitch deck. A pitch deck is a presentation with all of the information you will cover in your actual pitch. The information you include in yours will vary according to who you are presenting to, as a potential client is not necessarily interested in the same information as a potential investor is.
Although most pitch decks cover the same basic ideas (such as who you are, what you do, and what your goals are), the way you tell your story will change. You will also have to include more specific information on certain aspects of your business depending on the audience. This post by Venngage has a ton of templates for all types of pitch decks!

4. Create pitches that vary in length

You will not always have the same amount of time to present your pitch. Sometimes you will get a full 20 minutes, but it is likely you will be in situations where all you have is 5 minutes or even just 30 seconds. It is important to be prepared for all types of situations and to be able to showcase the most relevant aspects of your pitch in the time that is allotted.
The variations of the pitch you should prepare are:
  1. Elevator Pitch (30 seconds to 1 minute)
  2. Rocket Pitch (5 to 10 minutes)
  3. Investor Pitch (15 to 20 minutes)
This article by Huffpost covers examples of what you would say in each type of pitch if you were presenting specifically to investors. You can use this as a base for your structure and modify the information based on your audience and what is already included in your pitch deck.

5. Keep your information clear and concise

When pitching your business idea, you have a limited amount of time to showcase all of your ideas. In order to avoid filling up your pitch with unnecessary content, make sure you prioritize your topics and say only what truly needs to be said.
You can do this by using different brainstorming techniques to come up with questions and bullet points of relevant topics, such as what your product or service is, what makes it unique, who your target audience is, and how you intend to acquire customers.
You can then begin to separate redundant information and topics that are not absolutely essential to your pitch from the must-have information. These non-essentials can be added as an appendix in your pitch deck and covered later if your audience asks about them.

5. Keep your information clear and concise

Lastly, you should always follow up with potential investors, partners, and clients after you complete your pitch. Make sure you remember to ask for contact information so you can send a thank-you-note afterwards, as well as additional communications when necessary.
According to this article by Ash Rust, you should be prepared to send more than one follow-up message after each meeting. You can read the post to find a guide on which information you should include in, and how to structure each message.

Time To Master Your Pitch!

Now that you know the best 6 tips for pitching your business idea, you can go ahead and create your own killer presentation. If you have pitching experience, share some of your favorite tips and hacks with us on social media!

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How To Brainstorm Effectively In A Group: 5 Techniques

How To Brainstorm Effectively In A Group: 5 Techniques

February 26, 2021 – Kalya Nuñez

Spark your team’s creativity and come up with new and innovative ideas by learning how to brainstorm effectively in a group, even in a virtual setting!

Brainstorming & Its Benefits

Brainstorming is the act of coming up with ideas and developing them in order to find solutions to previously established problems. It is a widely used technique in all types of businesses as it promotes team collaboration and allows participants to explore their creative side, whether it is to design a marketing campaign or come up with a product distribution strategy.
When done correctly, brainstorming can spark innovative ideas in even the most creatively blocked teams. Many creative blocks come from team members feeling self-conscious about their ideas or from not having a space where they can fully focus on the problem. By brainstorming correctly, you remove communication barriers and allow the team to fully engage themselves in the exercise.
In order to create an effective creative thinking space, it is important that participants feel comfortable to share their ideas. Team leaders should make it clear that it is a judgement-free zone where ideas can flow uninterrupted and where each team member can add their own take to find the best possible solution.

Creative Thinking In Virtual Teams

When working remotely, it is incredibly important to build team morale and camaraderie through fun exercises that keep the creative juices flowing. If not, you risk the team becoming unmotivated by their work and developing further communication barriers that can affect the project’s outcome.
Brainstorming sessions allow teams to break out of the routine and increase group collaboration. While some brainstorming techniques are best done in person, there are still tons of methods you can use in a virtual setting. Below, we will be covering some of our top picks of interactive brainstorming techniques and how you can adapt them to your virtual team.
Related: Learn more virtual skills by reading up on how to network virtually and the best ways to stay productive while working remotely!

5 Techniques You Can Use To Learn How To Brainstorm Effectively In A Group

1. Mindmapping

One of the easiest ways to brainstorm is through mind mapping. To create a mind map, you develop a diagram with a main problem or topic at the center. Then, you draw lines with ideas for solutions or related topics all around it. You can create as many extensions as you wish and color-code each one to keep it organized.
Virtually, you could create a mind map on Zoom by using the draw feature and allowing meeting attendees to make their own additions. You can also use online tools like MindMeister.

2. Storyboarding

Storyboarding is great for writers and visual thinkers. With this method, you write a scene following a specific event and create drawings or add pictures to apply a visual aid, much like a comic book. This can be useful when thinking about your customer journey or trying to figure out people’s thought process when navigating through specific circumstances.
To adapt this method for a virtual team, you could create a document on Google Slides where the team can collaborate in real-time by adding the script and images.

3. Six Thinking Hats

The Six Thinking Hats method is a great way to break out of groupthink and view problems from different perspectives. In this technique, each team member is assigned a different hat that represents a unique point of view.
For example, Yellow Hat is optimistic and positive while Black Hat focuses on the negatives and on what could go wrong. With this method, you make sure to cover all the bases and discuss every component of an idea. After each team member is done with their individual discussion, you can combine their observations and collaborate to find a solution that takes all the different points of view into account.
This is a great exercise to do virtually as it does not require any tools, other than somewhere to take notes.

4. Alter Egos

Much like the Six Thinking Hats, the Alter Egos method encourages people to break out of their own perspective. In this exercise, each team member can choose a public figure or fictional character of their preference and try to figure out how that person would solve the established problem.
For example, if I want to know how I can improve a cellphone’s design, I might ask myself “What would Steve Jobs do?”. Each member can play around with their own alter egos and get creative with their solutions. This can be especially useful for groups that feel self-conscious about sharing their personal point of view.
In a remote meeting, this is also an easy exercise to do as does not require any special tools other than somewhere to take notes.

5. Starbursting

Finally, we have starbursting. This method requires us to ask more questions before we find any answers, allowing us to explore the problem in depth. It works by drawing a six-point star and assigning a question to each point. Start with: who, what, why, where, when, and how.
After you have these first six questions, brainstorm even more inquiries about the problem and organize them inside the star according to the “parent question” or category they fall under. Once you have as many as you can come up with, you can begin to answer them with the entire scope in mind.
In a virtual team, you could share a screen in Zoom with the star drawing and the initial six questions and then have the meeting attendees use the draw feature to write down their own.

What is your favorite way to brainstorm?

Now that you know 5 different techniques you can use to brainstorm in a group, it is time to come up with as many fresh ideas as possible! Meet with your team, get creative, and make your vision come to life.
What are your favorite brainstorming techniques?

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Stay Productive With Our Best 7 Working From Home Tips

Stay Productive With Our Best 7 Working From Home Tips

February 19, 2021 – Kalya Nuñez

Having a hard time focusing on work? Here are our best 7 working from home tips to make sure you get the most out of your workday!

The Pros & Cons Of Working From Home

Working from home can provide lots of benefits, such as skipping the long commute, spending more time with your family, and the ability to schedule your own hours. However, it can also have a number of downsides that affect our performance.
There are hundreds of distractions around us every day, which can make it hard for us to focus. Since we are not able to fully apply ourselves to what we have to do, we end up working longer hours to get all of our tasks done and this can affect our personal and family life, as well as our emotional wellbeing.

Design Your Own Remote Working Strategy

Thankfully, there are hundreds of working from home tips, tricks, and methods at our disposal. We can choose the tools that match with our individual needs to create a strategy that can make working from home work for us!
To help you get started, we chose our favorite 7 working from home tips to help you design your own remote working strategy and stay productive:

1. Set SMART goals

The first thing we should think about while designing our strategy is what we actually want to accomplish. Think about what your goals are and how many hours you want to get done to specific tasks within your work scope.
You can use the SMART method to make sure your goals are well-structured:
  • Specific – What is it that you want to do? Is it simple, complicated, sensitive, or significant?
  • Measurable – How much of it will have to be done to be successful?
  • Achievable – Is it as realistic as I think it is?
  • Relevant –  Is it going to help me reach a bigger goal?
  • Time-bound – How much time do I have to do it? 

2. Create a realistic schedule

While all of us would love to be able to sit down and stay fully focused on work, it is not realistic for the majority of people. Your work schedule should be aligned with both your goals and your personal life, and these may not allow for a “regular” schedule every single day.
If you live with others and struggle with finding quiet time during the day, consider starting work a few hours before everybody else wakes up. If you struggle with sticking to a routine, you can also change your schedule from week-to-week according to that week’s specific needs. Think about your own capabilities and be realistic with yourself!

3. Make good use of online tools

There are hundreds of tools out there that can make your day a lot easier. Take the time to familiarize yourself with different platforms to find which ones align themselves best with your needs.
Here at PG, we live by the Google Suite applications and Trello. Google Suite has everything you need to plan your week, schedule meetings, and share team documents. On Trello, you can organize individual tasks, whether you are working with a team or by yourself.

4. Go step-by-step on your to do list

Whether you create one on Trello, on a piece of paper, or on sticky notes, to do lists are indispensable when talking about productivity. When making yours, think about your SMART goals and about the individual steps you need to take to reach them.
By focusing on going step-by-step rather than on the entire finished product, you avoid feeling overwhelmed because of not knowing where to begin. It is also extra satisfying to cross off multiple tasks every day rather than waiting to finish one big task once a week.

5. Reduce the distractions

Think about the things that keep your mind away from work. Is it your phone? A messy kitchen? A relative that keeps interrupting?
Take the steps necessary to reduce these distractions as much as possible, starting by putting your phone on silent mode while you work, scheduling time outside of your work hours to take care of any messes, and finding a quiet spot where your family cannot interrupt you as much.

6. Take a few breaks

It is important to give your mind (and eyes) a break from the computer screen every once in a while. You can use the Pomodoro technique to take scheduled breaks throughout the day while keeping yourself productive.
This technique involves staying focused on a task for 25 minutes straight, and then taking a 5 minute break. You repeat this for 4 rounds, and then allow yourself to take a longer break for about 20 to 30 minutes before starting from the top again. This allows you to have 25 minutes of full focus and productivity for each 30 minute interval while still giving your mind enough rest.

7. Make time for yourself

Some days we may not reach every single one of our goals, and that is completely normal. Unless it is a truly urgent task, avoid working too many hours in one single day since it can lead to burnout. If you are not well-rested and relaxed, the stress will affect the quality of your work and your productivity will fall.
Make time to practice relaxation techniques after work each day to make sure your mind fully separates from your tasks. Go for a run or a walk, meditate, watch a movie with your family, and allow yourself time to recharge before trying again the next day.

Unlock Your Productivity

Now that you know how you can get started, it is up to you to design your own strategy to stay productive by using our favorite working from home tips. Remember that the key to productivity is to not dwell on the bad days, but to keep going even when things do not go according to plan. There is always another day, so keep pushing!
P.S. If you are looking for more tips on how to best navigate virtual life, check out our post on how to network virtually like a pro!

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How To Network Virtually In 5 Easy Steps

How To Network Virtually In 5 Easy Steps

February 12, 2021 – Kalya Nuñez

As professionals, knowing how to network virtually is an indispensable skill. Even if it can feel intimidating at first, you have to learn how to network properly if you want to keep your career active during COVID-19. Thankfully, all it takes is 5 easy steps!

What Is Networking?

Networking involves creating connections with other professionals, whether it is through an in-person conversation or a message on LinkedIn. There are many reasons why you would want to do this, such as expanding your professional social circle, meeting recruiters from a company you would like to work with, or even finding potential investors for your business idea.
It is likely you know people who have gotten their jobs or who have found business partners through this practice. In fact, 85% of jobs are filled via networking! This is also one of the top characteristics every entrepreneur needs if they want to be successful, so it is a good idea to get started as soon as possible. While the best networking usually happens in person, there are still ways to make an impact and create meaningful connections with others online.

How To Network Virtually

Step 1: Know Your Purpose

Before reaching out to anyone, you have to know what is motivating you to  network. Is it to find out about job opportunities? Do you need an investor? Are you looking for mentors that can advise you in your career journey?
If you are not sure why you are reaching out to someone, they will have a hard time helping you. Your reasons may vary from person to person, so it is a good idea to always have a clear understanding of what you expect from each person before speaking with them.

Step 2: Choose Your Platform

Depending on your purpose, the platform you use can change. While LinkedIn is the usual go-to platform for all your networking needs, it is a good idea to think about who your audience is and where they’re most likely to hang out online when choosing your medium so you can increase the chances of a positive outcome.
If you are trying to be recruited, look up virtual career fairs the company is participating in and attend informational sessions they’re hosting. If you identified a specific person and already know someone in common, ask for an introduction over the phone or through a video call. If you are looking for acquaintances in your industry, consider joining virtual forums or groups made specifically for that segment, which you can find through Meetup or even Facebook groups.
While your LinkedIn should always be used as an additional tool to send follow-up messages and connect with new people, every once in a while you should try to reach out through alternate methods like the ones mentioned above that allow you to stand out from the crowd, especially if they allow you to have real-time conversations with others. 

Step 3: Perfect Your Presence

There is one more step you have to complete before finally reaching out to others: look good! Consider the way you want others to perceive you and take the necessary steps to achieve that. This is especially important if the other person will be seeing you through video. Make sure you look polished before you hop in any Zoom calls so you can leave the best possible impression!
Pro Tip: Good lighting can go a long way, so try to find a spot in your home that has plenty of natural light (or invest in a ring light!).
The way you communicate is also a key factor, so triple-check your spelling when sending important messages and keep your tone respectful. Additionally, when reaching out through LinkedIn or other relevant social media, you want to make sure your profile information is updated and your picture is clear.

Step 4: Craft Your Message

While you never know where the conversation will take you, it is important to always have opening and closing statements prepared beforehand. Your opening statement should always be a variation of an elevator pitch, in which you state who you are, what you do, and why you are reaching out to them.
Nobody likes guessing why you are speaking to them, or having to process huge amounts of information at once, so make sure you clearly express your intentions for speaking with that particular person and keep your introduction concise.
Before saying your goodbyes, prepare your CTA (Call-to-Action). A CTA is what you want the person to do next after finishing your conversation, whether it’s give you their contact information, schedule a coffee chat, or add you on LinkedIn. Remind them why you reached out in the first place.
Pro Tip: Avoid putting all of your eggs in one basket! Always have additional contacts ready in case the person you originally reached out to is not available to help. If you do not know anybody else, ask if they can share some of their contacts with you.

Step 5: Keep In Touch

The conversation should never end there. Always send follow-up messages and thank you notes to everyone you talk to and make sure they add you on LinkedIn (or other relevant social platforms). It is also good practice to send messages to check up on them every few months or even send your well-wishes during the Holidays to keep your relationship up to date in case you need them in the future.
Even if nothing came up after your initial conversation, these messages can be timely reminders of you when they are looking for new employees, connecting investors with startups in their network, and other opportunities that can benefit both of you.

Network Your Heart Out!

Now that you know how to network virtually, you’re ready to unleash your networking powers upon the world! Mastering this skill is key when navigating your professional career, and it can provide you with countless opportunities when you know how to do it right. Remember to always keep conversations respectful and professional, and that the Perspectivas Globales team is always ready to help if you get stuck!

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10 Characteristics Of An Entrepreneur You Need To Be Successful

10 Characteristics Of An Entrepreneur You Need To Be Successful

January 29, 2021 – Kalya Nuñez

Do you have the characteristics of an entrepreneur? If you have ever wondered if you have what it takes to build your own business, reading up on the skills and traits you need to be successful is a good start to finding out if this is the right path for you.

What are entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurs are not just business owners, they are people who dare to take risks others wouldn’t! The business world has incredibly high-stakes and you have to be prepared to face a multitude of challenges if you plan on making it big. Are your ideas fresh? Can you face criticism? Are you prepared to handle rejection? Do you have the right motivations?
A great idea is not all you need to create a business. Successful entrepreneurs have to master a myriad of skills, from how to sell your idea to effectively managing people. This requires certain traits not everybody has, so do you have the characteristics of an entrepreneur?

10 Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are…

1. Determined & Motivated

Without determination, you’re not getting very far. Creating a business from the ground up isn’t always as exciting as it sounds, and it sure isn’t easy. There are a lot of mundane tasks and complicated homework in the way and it takes a long time before your idea starts to become profitable. If you’re not motivated by the right reasons, it will show in the quality of your work!

2. Innovative & Creative

Hundreds of thousands of businesses are created every single year. If your ideas are not innovative, they’re bound to get lost in the mix by ideas that are already available. In order to create fresh new products and services the world actually needs, you need to develop creativity skills.

3. Passionate & Persuasive

Passion is something that every entrepreneur needs to have for their project. If your idea does not excite you, you will have a hard time selling it. In order to persuade investors and customers to believe in you, your passion needs to shine through everything you do!

4. Risk-Takers

Nothing in business is black-or-white and there are no magic crystal balls that tell you whether your venture will be successful or not. Success is determined by thousands of different factors, so there is always a possibility that things do not go exactly as planned. The good news is that the bigger the risk, the bigger the payoff when things go right!

5. Networkers

Knowing how to talk to and get along with people will get you far when it comes to your professional life. Networking and face-to-face meetings can produce great results for your business when you do it right. In fact, 80% of professionals believe that career success can be elevated through professional networking. Your next investor or customer is waiting for you to reach out!

6. Optimistic

With everything that you do, you have to put your best foot forward. Through all the highs and lows that come with developing your start-up, you can never let go of a positive mindset. There will be times when things feel like they are going south, but you have to keep pushing or else you will never reach the top!

7. Money Managers

It’s easy to mismanage funds when you’re excited about your new business venture. All entrepreneurs want the very best for their business, so what are a few extra dollars here and there? Unfortunately, money is finite. If you spend it where you don’t have to, where will you find the funds to cover what you actually need? In order to do well as an entrepreneur, you need to know when to say no and save your money for something else.

8. Confident

If you don’t believe in your own ideas, who will? You need to show others that you know what you are doing and what you’re talking about, even if you are not too sure! You can always figure out the rest later.
It’s easy to become self-conscious about your business journey and compare yourself to others. You may feel like other business owners know exactly what they are doing, or like their start-up took off faster than yours. The truth is that there is no single way that businesses become successful. It may take longer for some businesses to become successful. You have to stay confident in your ideas no matter what!

9. Adaptable

It’s common to fall in love with an unrealistic idea or feel as if you modify your product or service too much, it’ll lose its essence. The truth is that the world changes every day, and so do people’s needs. Your idea needs to be adaptable to these changes, and you have to be ready to face this.

10. Visionaries

Lastly, entrepreneurs have vision! Your ideas are good now, but will they be just as good later? Here, at Perspectivas Globales, all of our supporters and advocates are visionaries. We always have our eyes set on the possibilities of the future, and we are sure you do, too!

Which Characteristics Do You Have?

Getting your start-up off the ground is a complicated process that requires a lot of skill. If you have all of these characteristics already, great news: you’re one step closer to achieving the business of your dreams! If not, there’s no need to worry. With enough courage and willingness to learn, you can develop all the characteristics you need to be a successful entrepreneur.
If you are ready to take your idea or business to the next level, Perspectivas Globales has all the tools you need. Whether it’s business education, mentorship services, or access to funds, we can help! Click here to see if your business qualifies for our tech start-up incubator and accelerator services!

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