Experience is the best teacher. There is no doubt about it, and in Perspectivas Globales, we truly believe that the best information comes from people that have gone through similar experiences. Typing a few words in the Google search box on how to solve a particular problem can only give you a handful of generic answers to your questions.
On the other hand, if you have an experience-based mentor, you are going to receive tailored advice to your circumstances and extra support you may need to achieve your goals. This is only one of the many reasons business mentors add value to your career as an entrepreneur.
The word mentor, as we know it today, was brought up first by Homer in The Odyssey. Mentor was the person who took care of training and teaching Telemachus on various things as he grew up while Odysseus went to war. That being said, a mentor is someone who is willing to take you under their wing, guide you, and teach you a path that is right for you to succeed in your goals. From a business perspective, this is a person that has more years of experience than you do in the industry, has had a grade of success, and can take time from their busy agendas to help you be the best business person you can be.
Why Every Entrepreneur Should Get a Mentor
In the beginning, entrepreneurs, more often than not, are not always knowledgeable about what it is like to manage a business. Very few entrepreneurs tend to have business backgrounds, which makes them enter industries more frightened than if they did understand business. Entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs had mentors to support them and become the global business leaders they are today. To that, 92% of small businesses said mentors directly impact growth and survival rates of businesses.
With this being said, you may be a successful entrepreneur now, but that should not hinder you from getting a business mentor and take your venture to the next level. Which is why we have compiled a list of our top five reasons why you should find a business mentor.
Reason 1: They Have Been In Your Shoes
If you are to acquire a business mentor, this person will know more about the industry you represent than you do, since they have more experience working in the field. Meaning that your mentor will be able to answer some of your questions from the perspective of experience without you having to drown in pages of information (which saves you plenty of time). Your mentor’s experience can help you anticipate risks and possible failures, consider views you had not even thought of, and help you deal with setbacks.
The experience your prospective mentor has will add a great deal to your knowledge and understanding of how your industry works and how to tackle it in a much more competitive way.
Reason 2: They Help You Find a Path to Success
You may not always succeed with a mentor, but the chances of failure will shorten with this experienced individual by your side. Chances are that your mentor had a mentor, and they, too, had a mentor; this lets the baton of knowledge be passed down and added upon for generations of business success. In addition, when you come to your mentor for advice, they will come with honest and constructive feedback that could help you in the long run.
Reason 3: It is a Challenge to Be Better
A mentor is a source of motivation that will challenge you to improve your performance. Your mentor will help you enhance skills you may be insecure about like your management, communication, planning, strategic thinking, and problem solving skills. Mentors also serve as an “accountability partner” when it comes to your goals. They’ll help you stay focused and ensure you complete them.
Reason 4: It’s Free (Mostly)
One of the beauties of mentorship is that mentors are free willingly giving you their time because they want you to succeed. Other sources of education in your industry will probably take a lot of time and/or money to acquire. Meanwhile, mentors can provide unbiased perspectives with their experiences and knowledge to support business obstacles like yours.
Reason 5: It is a Networking Opportunity
If you take care of your relationship with your mentor, this could be the nexus between you and many valuable contacts for your network. This could be, but not limited to, potential clients, more mentors, partners, and allies that can give you more resources to succeed in your venture. If you foster these, they could lead to many more! Keep your best interests in mind and this could be the gift that keeps on giving.
Be Patient, The Right Mentor For You Might Take Time to Find
Now that you know the benefits of mentorship, you may run off to look for a professional that will be kind enough to take you under their wing… However, even if you could find a person that appeals to your attention, we encourage you to take time and study the people before reaching out to them. You want your mentor to be as knowledgeable as you’d like to be.
In PG, we have a set of experience-based mentors looking to help entrepreneurs everyday. We encourage you to apply today or to contact our team to see how we can help you and your business connect with the right mentor.
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